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The research project is structured around 4 stages:

Stage 1 aims at clarifying the definition of what constitutes a CBRN event, the role of relevant actors and the capabilities and equipment required in the different phases of the CBRN emergency management cycle;

Stage 2 aims at clarifying the obligations imposed on States and possibly International Organisations (IOs) and Non-State Actors (NSAs) at the international and EU levels covering the different types of CBRN risks and the different phases;

Stage 3 aims at examining the implementation of these obligations in Italy, in order to ascertain whether there are any major gaps that have to be addressed, and assessing the adequacy of the domestic legal and policy frameworks in the face of the operational challenges that the responsible actors may face;

Stage 4 aims at providing recommendations covering all phases of the CBRN event aimed at addressing the gaps in the International, European and Italian legal and policy frameworks.