1st Research Workshop on Mapping International Obligations

On April 13 (full day) and 14 (morning) 2021, the CBRN-ITALY Project (http://www.cbrn-italy.it/en) is hosting its first Research Workshop on "Mapping International Obligations Applicable to CBRN events", via Webex Meetings.
The workshop aims at presenting the drafts contributions related to the second stage of the project’s activities, at discussing these preliminary outcomes and at collecting comments from the participants. The event will be attended by the CBRN-ITALY research teams (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, University of Florence, University of Bologna, University of Turin), the members of the project’s Advisory Board (practitioners from different disciplines, see http://www.cbrn-italy.it/en/advisory-board-members) and with external participants (including NGOs and members of EU projects covering related topics).
The draft versions of the papers to be presented during the workshop are already available in the private area of the project's website. Should you be interested in attending the event, please send an email to Silvia Venier (silvia.venier@santannapisa.it). You will be registered among the workshop's participants and you will receive the Webex access link a few days before the event.